Thursday, July 21, 2011

89 and feeling fine....

8 hours till an eastward departure up yon hill to the beautiful Park & the homefront of the battle....getting itchy feet already, but must stay the course till 4:00pm! Hopefully, this weekend will present some opportunities to make progress on some of the back work hanging over my head or at least dent the current work piled up before me. Read somewhere yesterday that your brain consumes about 20% of the energy you intake (ie. calories)...gotta wonder how much it consumes when you are in the middle of a battle that seems to occupy your every waking moment or at least fighting to keep the battle out of your mind? Feels like about 50% energy consumption in the good part of the days and maybe 80% in the darker times. What would it be like to truly not care? To never put an ounce of thought into the challenges of relationships and people dilemmas? Hmm.....not sure I'd like to go there...

Speaking of going there....

I was teaching the youth last night about the famine and drought currently occupying the Horn of Africa, specifically Somalia in preparation for their participation in a fundraising project for World Vision. It occurs to me that as they watched the pictures (taken from the local news of folks dying and children starving) that it wasn't really getting past their X-Box mentalities and their IPod thinking processes....just another channel to change. Wishing I had a large jumbo jet at my disposal to put these kids on and take them there....pretty sure that about 5-10 minutes spent walking through a refuge camp would clear up the affluency virus that most are infected with!

Speaking of infections.....

My hip is still sore from the gracious gift of the Dr. lady at Immediate Care. Anticef a la carte! or a la butt cheek! Either way, perhaps the toe will cooperate and things will get back to a normal state of mere degradation and not acute pain and agony. Hoping so anyway!

Speaking of hope.....

I'm sure hoping that God has a plan that I can't see and that at some point He is gracious enough to let me take a look. Running on empty and running dry is the norm on a lot of these days.  Too often its pretty gloomy in the forecast, but occasionally there is a break in the storm set and in those short glimpses of sunshine, the Son does truly shine thru. Of course, He is always is rather my immediate location and the impending circumstances around me that create a barrier to my basking in His Sonshine. The greatest of hope is for a restoration and reconciliation of all, but short of that the hope remains that God will make clear the direction for this weary pilgrim. I'd rather have His will than my comfort, but comfort is so foreign a concept these days when we are just looking for a breath of air to survive!

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