Tuesday, August 28, 2012

True to Form

I had a great opportunity to attend a local crusade recently; local in setting, but national in origin. A midst 600 or so attendees, I noticed several who were familiar. Some because of their former attendance at our local church, others because of their relationships with others in our local town. For the most part, greetings exchanged with these were warm and open, but there was one group within the formerly described set that I neither had opportunity to speak to, nor am I certain that I would have taken opportunity to do so even if it presented itself. And the reason will be clear momentarily....
This particular family showed up one day with another family who had moved into our town and begun to attend our church. At the end of the service, the first they had ever attended, they announced they were moving to our town and promptly began looking for a place to stay. Someone from the church had a house for rent and within hours, a lease was in place and the moving began. Over the next few weeks, this family began inserting themselves into every relationship, family and activity of the church...and town. Soon they began announcing how they had been led to bring in foster children to their home. This was soon followed with new announcements of more children coming in, then how they were quitting their jobs to "focus" on these new kids. Disturbingly, soon after the father figure in the house, began to miss most church services and activities, because he needed to stay up all night with the kids and play video games to keep them happy. Then additional kids in town would flock to this house and join in the revelry. Then more, and more and more....
Things began to fall apart soon after that, police arrived to investigate windows shot out of the local school by several of the "hang-er-outers" of this family. Fights with other kids ensued and general mayhem began to be the theme of the day. Parents who did not allow their kids to hang out were belittled or mocked and every commitment made in the beginning was soon dropped as routine as putting garbage in a trash can. 
One day there was a "new" sudden announcement that they would be moving to a far east state and within weeks they were on their way, dropping off a few of the foster kids on the way...too much trouble to take them along. The church was left with bounced checks from the offering received from them, the landlords left with unpaid bills and a huge mess, but all in all, most were happy to see that they had moved on.  Over the next months, news would trickle in through some still connected via social media or other method about how wonderful the new business was they started, how they had been interviewed in the local paper proclaiming how God led them around to each new venture, etc.  And just as suddenly, they reappeared on the west coast, down the hill and back into the town. Calls to some of the folks they knew from church, calls to other kids who used to hang out and guess what....new invitations, new groups of kids hanging out playing....yes, you guessed it, video games all night long. Several of the kids invited, when denied permission by their parents were lambasted and berated as fun stoppers and worse.
Now what is the common thread? What is the evidence that must be weighed? For these claim a relationship with Christ, but all fruit, all that has been produced to date is in direct opposition to God's Word. The principles of honoring parents, obedience and respect are thrown away; being faithful in your vows, discarded. 
As if a further indication, at the crusade, when the music stopped and the preaching began....yep, you guessed it again, they got up and left. Its all about the entertainment, not the substance. All about fun and games, not reality of life and death....death to self, life IN Christ. And they continue on to the next group of unsuspecting youth, to the next batch of sheep to eat and prey upon...reminds me of what Peter cautions in 2 Peter 2:  For when they speak great swelling words of emptiness, they allure through the lusts of the flesh, through lewdness, the ones who have actually escaped from those who live in error.  While they promise them liberty, they themselves are slaves of corruption; for by whom a person is overcome, by him also he is brought into bondage. For if, after they have escaped the pollutions of the world through the knowledge of the Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, they are again entangled in them and overcome, the latter end is worse for them than the beginning.  For it would have been better for them not to have known the way of righteousness, than having known it, to turn from the holy commandment delivered to them. But it has happened to them according to the true proverb: “A dog returns to his own vomit,” and, “a sow, having washed, to her wallowing in the mire.”
Am I judging? You bet, with the discernment of God's Word and the understanding that the same measure that I judge with will also stand in my own examination, but that I do not fear but rather welcome, for that is the examination of the Holy Spirit daily in my life without which I would have no proof of my own relationship with Christ!


  1. Whew....
    Be strong in the Lord Mike.
    I guess part of the work that remains now is restoring the years that the locust destroyed.
    The lives of the young people pulled in every direction and the besmerching of Christianity done to the Landlords and those in the community.
    I think especially of those in Foster Care. Praying for their tender hearts to be protected.

  2. Indeed...and allowing God to restore that which the locust has eaten is always a challenge for me; I'd like to restore it quicker, faster and how I'd like it but I know the way our Savior will do it will be the right way.
    Sadly, at least one of the foster children was essentially dropped off at the curb of her mother's home from which the court had removed her on the way out of town...not a good situation.
